Oh No
Robert Creeley
If you wander far enough
you will come to it
and when you get there
they will give you a place to sit
for yourself only, in a nice chair,
and all your friends will be there
with smiles on their faces
and they will likewise all have places.
You know…I’m not sure about whether or not this was the intended theme but I finded supported enough and I like the idea so lets go for it: the theme of the poem is insanity.
Everyone is told stay on the beat and path, although sometimes it’s fun to explore around the path. But it was the word “wander” that caught my eye in this poem. Because if you wander too far of the path, people will think your crazy, they’ll start talking about you, they’ll start saying things that might not even be true but it doesn’t matter because you’re a loon and you might as well have done it. Eventually when they (maybe society, or your friends) have had enough, someone will intervene. They’ll wrap you in a coat, put you in a comfy chair, sit, and talk with you.
And it’s the last line that trips me up because either:
1) they will all have places to sit so that they can talk to you
or 2) they will all have their own crazy seats in your mind, and you will intervene with them telling them all about your loon’s epistemology
I especially liked writing this one, and I hope you enjoyed it.
I don't know if it's literally insanity, or if people will just think you're crazy? I'm not sure. Plus, really, aren't we all a little crazy?